
Continuous Growth and Lifelong Learning.

We believe in the power of continuous growth and lifelong learning, fostering a culture of curiosity, critical thinking, and skill development that prepares learners for success in an ever-changing world.

Countries Served
Companies Enrolled
Learners Enrolled
Credentials Issued

Why Choose Suffolk CCPE?

Get the Skills You Need for Success

Suffolk University building on Tremont Street in Boston, MA.

Who we are

At CCPE, we define ourselves by our commitment to connecting education and industry. Our purpose is to empower individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-changing world through accessible, practical, and customized learning solutions.

What we do

Our online noncredit programs are designed to meet learners wherever they are on their educational journey. The flexibility and real-world relevance of our courses allow for a tailored learning experience, aiding learners in not only meeting but exceeding their personal and professional aspirations.
Student using two monitors engaged in online course.

How it works

Our courses are structured to develop critical skills within a real-world context. This alignment ensures not just theoretical knowledge but practical readiness, preparing learners to transition seamlessly into the professional world.

Our commitment lies in empowering individuals and organizations to not just navigate but thrive in today's dynamic world through accessible, practical, and customized learning solutions.

Dee Masiello, Founding Director

Meet Our Team

We bring passion, expertise, and innovation to the forefront of our learning community.

Dee Masiello
Founding Director
Emily Pytka
Data Analyst
Jackie Bishop
Instructional Designer
Allison Lakacha
Marketing Specialist
Andrea Leppert
Manager, Programs
Cody Forrest
Program Coordinator

Meet Our Outstanding Alumni

Outstanding Alumni

Listen to Nicole Jean Christian, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer & Senior Policy Advisor at New York State Department of State, talk about the trajectory of her career.

DEI Certificate

Nicole completed the DEI Certificate program and got promoted to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer & Senior Policy Advisor.

Outstanding Alumni

Listen to Aprilis Diaz, Acting Executive Director for the Center for Student Enrichment | Director of Calling & Career at Eastern Nazarene, talk about her work in the DEI space.

DEI Certificate

Aprilis completed the DEI Certificate program and secured a grant for her institution.

Your Partners in Skill Building