

MAY 13, 2024
Register by May 9, 2024


From May 13 - July 7


NOW $899
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Asynchronous + live sessions

The Skills You Need to Build the Career You Want

By continuously expanding your skill set, you not only enhance your effectiveness in your current role but also position yourself for future career growth. Learning new skills not only keeps you engaged and motivated but it also fosters innovation and creativity, enabling you to tackle complex problems with confidence.

Step into the future with our Digital Transformation program, your guide to navigating and leading in the digital age.
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This course prepares you to lead technological integration and innovation within the legal sector.
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Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to lead nonprofit organizations towards achieving their missions.
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Why Take Courses in Strategic Innovation & Transformation

Align course choices with skill development

Strategic Innovation

Innovation is the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products that bring about positive change. It involves creativity, problem-solving, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Learning innovation involves cultivating a mindset of curiosity, experimentation, and openness to failure. It requires seeking out diverse perspectives, staying informed about emerging trends and technologies, and actively engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration. Take a look at two great courses that build skills in innovation.

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking refers to the ability to envision and analyze the long-term goals, objectives, and implications of decisions within an organization or any complex system. It involves understanding the broader context in which an organization operates, identifying key challenges and opportunities, and formulating innovative and effective strategies to achieve desired outcomes.

Change Management

Change management is the structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from their current state to a desired future state effectively. It involves understanding the need for change, communicating it clearly, and implementing strategies to minimize resistance and maximize adoption.

Innovative Mindset

An innovative mindset is characterized by a continuous drive to explore new ideas, challenge conventional thinking, and seek creative solutions to problems. Individuals with an innovative mindset possess a curiosity to understand how things work and a willingness to experiment with novel approaches. They are open to change, viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than barriers to progress.

Are Strategic Innovation & Transformation Courses Right For You?

Overall, strategic innovation and transformation skills empower sales and marketing professionals to think creatively, adapt to change, and seize opportunities for growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace. By integrating innovation into their sales and marketing strategies, professionals can drive business success and create value for both their organizations and their customers.

Strategic innovation and transformation skills empower HR professionals to drive positive change, foster innovation, and optimize organizational performance in alignment with strategic goals and objectives. By leveraging innovative approaches across various HR functions, professionals can contribute to building a resilient, adaptive, and high-performing workforce that drives sustainable organizational success.

Strategic innovation and transformation skills enable nonprofit managers to lead their organizations more effectively, respond to evolving social challenges, and create sustainable impact in the communities they serve. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and continuously adapting to change, nonprofit managers can position their organizations for long-term success and greater social relevance.

Business executives leverage strategic innovation and transformation skills to lead their organizations through change, foster a culture of innovation and agility, and drive sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving business landscape. By embracing innovation as a strategic imperative, executives can position their companies for long-term success and competitive advantage.

Future Ready Leadership

Innovation at Your Fingertips

Strategic Change Focus

Cross Disciplinary Expertise

Why Suffolk CCPE?

Your Partner in Skill Building


Dedicated staff available for personalized assessments and recommendations


Asynchronous learning opportunities and project based assignments


Interactive quizzes, videos, online collaboration with students and instructors
Individual engaged in online learning with laptop and holding book.
Do you have additional questions about our courses? Would you benefit by speaking to a member of our team? Please fill out our form and a member of the CCPE team will get back to you within 1 business day. You can also email us at

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